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Swifts, 2020-2021

India Ink and Blown Charcoal on Paper, 9 x 12 inches  22 x 30 cm

A new series of India Ink and charcoal drawings inspired by a terrific essay by Helen Macdonald called The Mysterious Life of Birds Who Never Come Down. The article and my paintings investigate the form and shape of Swifts, a migratory bird which appears on all continents expect Antarctica. They can reach speeds up to 105 mph and in the course of a year can cover at least 200,000 kilometers. Young members of the species have been tracked as airborne for 10 months without landing. A copy of the article can be found here at the NYT or here as a pdf.



Mario Muller is a Fine Art Painter with 35 years experience. Unique India Ink Paintings are available for purchase. Mario M. Muller for bespoke portrait commissions. 





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